
A clear objective

Mikkel Thorup

Head of Quantitative Investments (FFT)

"We want an idea of meritocracy in which meaningful work and meaningful relationships are pursued through radical truth and radical transparency"

Principles-based goals

Hire and collaborate with extraordinary people

The quality of our staff is largely responsible for our funds success and reputation, it is one of the main reasons that exceptional candidates are interested in joining us.

Set unusually ambitious goals

We were built in part by doing things that others either considered infeasible or simply never thought of. When an extraordinary team sets extraordinarily ambitious goals, “unexpected” breakthroughs are to be expected.

Take the high road

Maintaining the highest possible ethical and legal standards protects our reputation. More importantly, it’s simply the right thing to do.

Focus on our products

Our culture reflects a collaborative environment in which individuals and groups work together, and are rewarded for their contributions as a whole.

Analyse and communicate rigorously

We emphasize systematic analysis and clear communication. We take an unusually rigorous and disciplined approach to communication, planning, evaluation, forecasting, and decision-making.


Fortage services have been designed to meet the needs of high net worth individuals, financial intermediaries and corporations.

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